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Start thinking about ...
Speeches  - you need to prepare a speech of 2 minutes to present to the class at the beginning of Week 7. The best speeches will go through to a Year 7 final on the Monday of Week 8 and the very best will be presented at the Year 7 & 8 speech final in the Chapel on Thursday 5 December. 
Often the hardest part is choosing a topic so have a search online or check out the links below:
Ask yourself if you'd want to listen to what you are speaking about!
(if not...change your topic!)

Your speech needs to be written onto cue cards

Click on image below for a truly awesome speech
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Image result for week four
There is no spelling this week. You do however still need to complete the weekly current events quiz and researched paragraph. 
Read through the revision guidelines below and then refer back to/ revisit work completed throughout the year. For practice use Action English, IXL and Maths Whiz. If you do not know how to do something or have a gap in your book, it is your responsibility to follow up and ask for help or a copy of missed work. After the exam is too late!

Year Seven Revision Guidelines

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  1. No spelling this week as its another short week and we didn't have a test on Friday. Learn your words!
  2. All leadership profiles are now due in - I am missing 10!
  3. Have you finished the ARB Literacy tasks? These are essentially exam preparation. Speaking of which, please find below the revision guidelines for upcoming exams:
Year 7 Revision Guidelines
Read through these carefully and, if there is anything you are unsure of, ask for help!
Image result for fail to prepare prepare to fail
4. Weekly Current Events Quiz and paragraph are due Friday.
5. Start thinking about your student leadership letter - are you going to apply to be a prefect?
Image result for leadership quotes for kids
Image result for week two

  1. Complete your alphabeticalised spelling list and sentences that reflect the meaning of each word. Check punctuation! Underline list words in red pen using a ruler. 
  2. Complete the Current Events Quiz and research to write one informative paragraph. 
  3. Leadership profiles are due Thursday. Details below in Week One.
  4. Social Science - we are the kaitiaki of our planet. Read the task by clicking the image below:

Image result for there is no planet b

Image result for week one

  1. Spelling - alphabetical lists and sentences
  2. Leadership profile - create a profile of a person you believe is a leader in their field. They might be a sportsperson, a climate change or human rights advocate, a politician, musician, author, physicist - anyone who you look up to or aspire to be like. Explain how they have got to where they are today. Outline the obstacles they have had to overcome. Are there particular people who have influenced them? What is it about them that makes you think they are a great leader? Include an image, or images, and, if possible, a quote. This is to be completed on either an A3 or an A4 piece of paper. Check out the video below by clicking on the image.
 Image result for kid president leadership

Science title page
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Image result for week 5       Image result for halfway there lemon and a pear
Complete the Current Events Quiz and an extension paragraph based on one of the questions. Remember the importance of rewriting research into your own words. Aim for 5-6 sentences in your paragraph. Be specific! Due Friday
Spelling - alphabetical order and sentences. This weeks' challenge(other than remembering capital letters to start and for proper nouns, and punctuation to end!) is to start each sentence with a different word. Due Thursday.
Term Two Spelling Lists 
Complete another book review bubble for the 'Books We Love in 7KF' wall. Try and select a different genre and give an overview of the book in detail - without giving away the ending! Due Friday, Week 6.
Complete at least two Read Theory passages at home. 
Read, read read- can you get another piece of pizza signed off this week?
Image result for reading quotes for kids
IXL or Maths Whiz - a little each night adding up to an hour over the week!

Prep is as below however you also need to complete the Current Events Quiz and an extension paragraph based on one of the questions. Remember the importance of rewriting research into your own words. Aim for 5-6 sentences in your paragraph. Be specific!
Term Two Spelling Lists 
- copy lists out then put into alphabetical order before completing your sentences. 
You have the ANZAC work that can be accessed via the Hapara Student Dashboard which is due at the end of Week Three. You will have time in class, as well as in prep to complete:
*the soldier silhouette
*ANZAC Wordart
Manage your time and do not leave it to the last minute!
Read for at least 15 minutes each night.
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Term One Guitar Timetable
Term One Drum Timetable
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  • spelling sentences and alphabetical order - don't forget to learn your words!
  • Current events quiz and 5-6 sentence paragraph. You may not write about the flag country this week.
  • read for 15 minutes each night
  • spend an hour on IXL over the week (an average of 15 minutes each night)
  • start preparing your reading for the LS Rickard Oral English Competition.                                  Image result for child standing and reading from a book 
   The final is on Thursday 4 April. Class finalists will be selected towards the Week 9 and the Year 7 final will be early in Week 10. Your piece needs to be between one and a half and two minutes and will be judged using the following criteria - it is important to practice little and often:
Eye Contact
X Factor

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Image result for if a job is worth doing its worth doing well

There is less prep this week but I really want you to focus on completing what you do to the best of your ability - concentrate on the details like starting sentences with capital letters; using capital letters for place names; underlining spelling words with a red pen and ruler; heading up work correctly etc 

*Complete alphabetical order and spelling sentences by Thursday.
*Complete the Current Events Quiz and 4-5 sentence paragraph by Friday
*Read for 15 minutes each night
*15 minutes IXL or Maths Whiz
Image result for why be average when you can be amazing

Week - 6
Prep this week is very much like last week - the focus is on getting it completed - to the highest possible standard. As the sign in our classroom says - 
The little details count - read the instructions; use a ruler - be the best you can!
Copy out list words. Rewrite in alphabetical order in your Literacy book. Complete spelling sentences by Thursday morning. Each word needs to be used in a sentence that reflects what the list word means. List words need to be underlined using a red pen and a ruler. CHECK EACH SENTENCE STARTS WITH A CAPITAL LETTER AND ENDS WITH APPROPRIATE PUNCTUATION! Learn your words for the test on Friday.
Social Science: Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a decent paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words.
Consider ending your paragraph with a sentence or wondering...due Friday.
Read each night for 15 minutes.
Image result for reading quotes for kids
Also complete an hour for prep, Monday-Thursday on
Image result for iXL  OR Image result for Maths whiz

Image result for Term One Week 5
Copy out list words. Rewrite in alphabetical order in your Literacy book. Complete spelling sentences by Thursday morning. Each word needs to be used in a sentence that reflects what the list word means. List words need to be underlined using a red pen and a ruler. CHECK EACH SENTENCE STARTS WITH A CAPITAL LETTER AND ENDS WITH APPROPRIATE PUNCTUATION! Learn your words for the test on Friday.
Social Science: Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a decent paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words.
Consider ending your paragraph with a sentence or wondering...due Friday
Korowai Feather - please complete, colour and cut out. Remember to extend your initial idea to provide a little extra information around your chosen idea of what makes NZ unique.  eg If your initial idea was - 'NZ has a low population for the amount of land we have'. You could extend this idea by adding in what our population density is per square kilometre or compare us to another country...or both!
Make sure your title page is completed, including a frame and that your map of New Zealand's key geographical features is also complete.

Is your Book Review speech bubble complete, printed, cut out and on the wall?

Read for 15 minutes each day.
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Image result for term oneImage result for WEEK FOUR

Copy out list words. Rewrite in alphabetical order in your Literacy book. Complete spelling sentences by Thursday morning. Each word needs to be used in a sentence that reflects what the list word means. List words need to be underlined using a red pen and a ruler. Learn your words for the test on Friday.
Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words - DO NOT CUT AND PASTE!
Book Review Speech Bubbles. Write a review of a book you really love. Start with the title and author; summarise what the book is about; state what you like about the book and include a recommendation of who it would appeal to. Present in a speech bubble on a Google Drawing.
Read for at least 15 minutes every day
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Image result for term oneImage result for Week Three
Spelling - complete spelling sentences by Thursday morning. Each word needs to be used in a sentence that reflects what the list word means. List words need to be underlined using a red pen and a ruler. Learn your words for the test on Friday.
Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words - DO NOT CUT AND PASTE!
Click here to find out details around a letter from you to me. Due Friday
Read for at least 15 minutes every day
Image result for being your best not the best quotes for kids