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Week 3-10

This homework is compulsory each week. The spelling words will change. Any additional homework will be placed under weekly headings
Spelling list- complete by Thursday, test on Friday.
Click here for lists Spelling
Reading 15 minutes per night

Week 5
NZ quiz: 20 questions. NZ Geography Due Monday 4 March

Weekly Quiz: Current Events. Due Monday 4 March

Week 6 


Write a half page on 5 people and 5 events who/what have helped shape NZ as a country. 
These need to be a page on each accompanied by a picture or drawing. A border on each page as well to frame the work
This has been discussed in class and the boys will have class time as well.
The neater the work the more merit points.

Week 8
Complete Egyptian Literacy pack and Figurative Language worksheets by Thursday.

Prepare a reading between 1.5-2 minutes to be presented on Wednesday, Week 9. 
Oral English Rubric.

Eye Contact
X Factor

S.S.- No more quizzes until next term. This is to allow boys time to complete work on Events/People of NZ. The boys will get class time for this. Many boys have got a fair bit to complete. I will be checking regularly between now and the end of the term. Me being able to read what is written and make an understanding of it will be a requirement. 

Week 9
S.S. Extension of work due. The boys' work is now due by the end of week 3 Term 2. Having viewed many of the boys' books in the last week I have asked them to work harder on presentation of work and proof reading of text recorded. There are also some extra sheets with Treaty of Waitangi work that needs to be completed. This is very basic but covers some important details.

Week 10
All lists need to be revised this week. 20 random word test on Thursday.
Prefixes and Suffixes need completing as well as Cloze procedure by Wednesday.
Reading 15 minutes per night.

Term 2 Week 1 Homework Checklist Writing

1. Simple, Compound and Complex sentences
2. Day at the Beach: Find 2 Metaphors, Similes, Alliterations, Personifications and Onomatopoeia.
3. Idioms and Hyperboles: Google classroom instructions
4. Figurative Language poster
5. Roar Poetry completed
6.Figurative Language pictures: Google classroom instructions
7. I am nervous worksheet; paragraphs
8.Once upon a time sentences
9. Narrative story

Narrative story due by Wednesday 1 May
Printed and glued into writing book.
Writing checklist:
Varied Sentences
400-600 words

Literacy Exam Focus
Please ensure that if you do not understand any of these sections that you come and speak to me.

Direct speech
Cloze Procedure
Simple, Compound and Complex sentences
Subject and predicate
Figures of Speech:  Similes, Metaphors, Hyperbole, Idioms,  Personification, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration


Exam Revision Guide

Term 3

Class Independant Literacy Link
KiwiKids Class booklet
Username: Teacher
Password: matariki19
google Kiwi Kids News to find all information

Research Project