Welcome to our Blog Page: 7NM 2019

  • 15 minutes of sustained reading each night. 
  • Complete 1 read theory exercise per week.
  • Weekly spelling list due on Friday - may need to be completed at home.
  • Weekly grammar - Action English - may need to be completed at home.
  • Writing - finish character profiles - copied/stuck in by Friday 15 March.


Social Science - we are the kaitiaki of our planet. Read the task by clicking the image below. Please note this is ongoing work for Social Science class. The current events quiz plus researched paragraph is to be completed each week for prep. 


Social Science -weekly requirement

Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a decent(4-5 sentence) paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words.
Consider ending your paragraph with a sentence or wondering...due Friday
Each week locate the country, represented by the flag in the quiz, on the world map and add relevant information to the Country Information table at the back of your book.



  1. Comparative table of 2 insects due tomorrow