Social Science - we are the kaitiaki of our planet. Read the task by clicking the image below. Please note this is ongoing work for Social Science class. The current events quiz plus researched paragraph is to be completed each week for prep. 
    Image result for there is no planet b

    Prep: Week 4, Term 2
    Literacy and Maths
    Creative and Critical Thinking

    Chapter Book

    Please ensure you read your personal Chapter Book of choice for recreational reading and personal enjoyment when you have completed the weekly required Journal reading.

    Also ensure that you are reading your articles or non fiction, fiction stories in your school journal.  Thanks team!


    Boys you should be on Maths Whizz for @ least 10/15 minutes per night and focussing upon the specific area of learning your teaching has requested in line with your classroom learning and/or practising your number knowledge skills.
    You have all been provided with your username and access codes.



    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:
     S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2
    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 J

    Prep: Week 3, Term 2
    Literacy and Maths
    Creative and Critical Thinking

    No Spelling words this week boys as we undertake the 300 essential words that you must know before you move off to high school at the end of 2020.

    The words you got wrong this week will form additional words with your weekly spelling tests next week.

    Chapter Book

    Please ensure you read your personal Chapter Book of choice for recreational reading and personal enjoyment when you have completed the weekly required Journal reading.

    Also ensure that you are reading your articles or non fiction, fiction stories in your school journal.  Thanks team!


    Boys you should be on Maths Whizz for @ least 10/15 minutes per night and focussing upon the specific area of learning your teaching has requested in line with your classroom learning and/or practising your number knowledge skills.
    You have all been provided with your username and access codes.


    Please make sure you have your personal photo's of the first two science investigations in your Science book beside the appropriate investigation.

    1. Density Tower

    2. 100 degree water!

    Journal Reading


    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:
     S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2
    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 J

    Prep: Week 2, Term 2
    Literacy and Maths
    Creative and Critical Thinking

    Your first spelling words results were fabulous boys!
    Please ensure you keep up the effort for the whole term. Your spelling test will be on the usual day - this Friday morning.

    Chapter Book

    Please ensure you read your personal Chapter Book of choice for recreational reading and personal enjoyment when you have completed the weekly required Journal reading.

    Also ensure that you are reading your articles or non fiction, fiction stories in your school journal.  Thanks team!


    Boys you should be on Maths Whizz for @ least 10/15 minutes per night and focussing upon the specific area of learning your teaching has requested in line with your classroom learning and/or practising your number knowledge skills.
    You have all been provided with your username and access codes.


    Please ensure that you have done your Science Investigations title in your Science Book boys for the Material World Strand.

    Journal Reading


    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:
     S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2
    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 J

    Prep: Week 1, Term 2
    Literacy and Maths
    Creative and Critical Thinking

    The Week 9 Spelling Test has been deferred to Week 10 boys.  This is the last test for the term.  Congratulations to all of you for pushing yourselves and trying to improve and achieve well with your everyday functional words. 

    Chapter Book

    Please ensure you read your personal Chapter Book of choice for recreational reading and personal enjoyment when you have completed the weekly required Journal reading.

    Also ensure that you are reading your articles or non fiction, fiction stories in your school journal.  Thanks team!


    Boys you should be on Maths Whizz for @ least 10/15 minutes per night and focussing upon the specific area of learning your teaching has requested in line with your classroom learning and/or practising your number knowledge skills.
    You have all been provided with your username and access codes.


    No Science Homework this week boys.  

    Please make sure that your science books are all up to date and all information required for the Living World - Insects unit is contained within your books as requested and discussed in class before we begin our new Science Investigations unit for Term 2.

    Image result for science method for kids

    Journal Reading


    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:
     S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2
    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 J

    Term Two 2019

    Prep: Week 10, Term 1
    Literacy and Maths
    Creative and Critical Thinking

    The Week 9 Spelling Test has been deferred to Week 10 boys.  This is the last test for the term.  Congratulations to all of you for pushing yourselves and trying to improve and achieve well with your everyday functional words. 

    Chapter Book

    Please ensure you read your personal Chapter Book of choice for recreational reading and personal enjoyment when you have completed the weekly required Journal reading.

    Also ensure that you are reading your articles or non fiction, fiction stories in your school journal.  Thanks team!


    Boys you should be on Maths Whizz for @ least 10/15 minutes per night and focussing upon the specific area of learning your teaching has requested in line with your classroom learning and/or practising your number knowledge skills.
    You have all been provided with your username and access codes.


    No Science Homework this week boys.  Please make sure that your science books are all up to date and all information required for the Living World - Insects unit is contained within your books as requested and discussed in class.

    Social Science: Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a decent paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words.
    Consider ending your paragraph with a sentence or wondering...due Friday
    Korowai Feather - please complete, colour and cut out. Remember to extend your initial idea to provide a little extra information around your chosen idea of what makes NZ unique.  eg If your initial idea was - 'NZ has a low population for the amount of land we have'. You could extend this idea by adding in what our population density is per square kilometre or compare us to another country...or both!
    Make sure your title page is completed, including a frame and that your map of New Zealand's key geographical features is also complete.
    Journal Reading


    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:
     S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2
    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Prep: Week 9, Term 1
    Literacy and Maths
    Creative and Critical Thinking

    10 Words to practise for the week for spelling test on Friday. Please ensure you practise these words every night to ensure we try to achieve a 100% strike rate on 
    Friday boys!!

    Chapter Book

    Please ensure you read your personal Chapter Book of choice for recreational reading and personal enjoyment when you have completed the weekly required Journal reading.

    Also ensure that you are reading your articles or non fiction, fiction stories in your school journal.  Thanks team!


    Boys you should be on Maths Whizz for @ least 10/15 minutes per night and focussing upon the specific area of learning your teaching has requested in line with your classroom learning and/or practising your number knowledge skills.
    You have all been provided with your username and access codes.


    Insects: Comparing and Contrasting Characteristics of two of your own chosen insects.

    As per discussions in Science today, please select two common New Zealand insects and undertake your own observations of their features and characteristics.

    Set up your personal work in the same manner we undertook the Grasshopper and Praying Mantis comparision.  Print off two pictures to represent your insects and then complete your chart.  If you need me to print off your colour pictures, I am happy to do this for you.

    Image result for cockroachImage result for dragonfly

    This needs to be completed by the end of this week boys please as we begin to undertake Magnification and Metamorphosis.  

    Social Science: Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a decent paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words.
    Consider ending your paragraph with a sentence or wondering...due Friday
    Korowai Feather - please complete, colour and cut out. Remember to extend your initial idea to provide a little extra information around your chosen idea of what makes NZ unique.  eg If your initial idea was - 'NZ has a low population for the amount of land we have'. You could extend this idea by adding in what our population density is per square kilometre or compare us to another country...or both!
    Make sure your title page is completed, including a frame and that your map of New Zealand's key geographical features is also complete.
    Journal Reading


    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:
     S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2
    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Prep: Week 8, Term 1
    Literacy and Maths
    Creative and Critical Thinking

    10 Words to practise for the week for spelling test on Friday. Please ensure you practise these words every night to ensure we try to achieve a 100% strike rate on 
    Friday boys!!

    Chapter Book

    Please ensure you read your personal Chapter Book of choice for recreational reading and personal enjoyment when you have completed the weekly required Journal reading.

    Also ensure that you are reading your articles or non fiction, fiction stories in your school journal.  Thanks team!


    Boys you should be on Maths Whizz for @ least 10/15 minutes per night and focussing upon the specific area of learning your teaching has requested in line with your classroom learning and/or practising your number knowledge skills.
    You have all been provided with your username and access codes.


    Insects: Comparing and Contrasting Characteristics of two of your own chosen insects.

    As per discussions in Science today, please select two common New Zealand insects and undertake your own observations of their features and characteristics.

    Set up your personal work in the same manner we undertook the Grasshopper and Praying Mantis comparision.  Print off two pictures to represent your insects and then complete your chart.  If you need me to print off your colour pictures, I am happy to do this for you.

    Image result for cockroachImage result for dragonfly

    This needs to be completed by the end of this week boys please as we begin to undertake Magnification and Metamorphosis.  

    Social Science: Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a decent paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words.
    Consider ending your paragraph with a sentence or wondering...due Friday
    Korowai Feather - please complete, colour and cut out. Remember to extend your initial idea to provide a little extra information around your chosen idea of what makes NZ unique.  eg If your initial idea was - 'NZ has a low population for the amount of land we have'. You could extend this idea by adding in what our population density is per square kilometre or compare us to another country...or both!
    Make sure your title page is completed, including a frame and that your map of New Zealand's key geographical features is also complete.
    Journal Reading


    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:
     S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2
    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Week 7:

    Social Science -Weekly Requirement

    Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a decent(4-5 sentence) paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words.
    Consider ending your paragraph with a sentence or wondering...due Friday
    Each week locate the country, represented by the flag in the quiz, on the world map and add relevant information to the Country Information table at the back of your book.
    Social Science Assignment. Due Wednesday 3 April

    Prep: Week 7, Term 1
    Literacy and Maths
    Creative and Critical Thinking

    10 Words to practise for the week for spelling test on Friday. Please ensure you practise these words every night to ensure we try to achieve a 100% strike rate on 
    Friday boys!!

    Chapter Book

    Please ensure you read your personal Chapter Book of choice for recreational reading and personal enjoyment when you have completed the weekly required Journal reading.

    Also ensure that you are reading your articles or non fiction, fiction stories in your school journal.  Thanks team!


    Boys you should be on Maths Whizz for @ least 10/15 minutes per night and focussing upon the specific area of learning your teaching has requested in line with your classroom learning and/or practising your number knowledge skills.
    You have all been provided with your username and access codes.


    Insects: Comparing and Contrasting Characteristics of two of your own chosen insects.

    As per discussions in Science today, please select two common New Zealand insects and undertake your own observations of their features and characteristics.

    Set up your personal work in the same manner we undertook the Grasshopper and Praying Mantis comparision.  Print off two pictures to represent your insects and then complete your chart.  If you need me to print off your colour pictures, I am happy to do this for you.

    Image result for cockroachImage result for dragonfly

    This needs to be completed by the end of this week boys please as we begin to undertake Magnification and Metamorphosis.  

    Social Science: Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a decent paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words.
    Consider ending your paragraph with a sentence or wondering...due Friday
    Korowai Feather - please complete, colour and cut out. Remember to extend your initial idea to provide a little extra information around your chosen idea of what makes NZ unique.  eg If your initial idea was - 'NZ has a low population for the amount of land we have'. You could extend this idea by adding in what our population density is per square kilometre or compare us to another country...or both!
    Make sure your title page is completed, including a frame and that your map of New Zealand's key geographical features is also complete.
    Journal Reading


    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:
     S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2
    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Prep: Week 6, Term 1
    Literacy and Maths
    Creative and Critical Thinking

    10 Words to practise for the week for spelling test on Friday. Please ensure you practise these words every night to ensure we try to achieve a 100% strike rate on 
    Friday boys!!

    Chapter Book

    Please ensure you read your personal Chapter Book of choice for recreational reading and personal enjoyment when you have completed the weekly required Journal reading.

    Also ensure that you are reading your articles or non fiction, fiction stories in your school journal.  Thanks team!


    Boys you should be on Maths Whizz for @ least 10/15 minutes per night and focussing upon the specific area of learning your teaching has requested in line with your classroom learning and/or practising your number knowledge skills.
    You have all been provided with your username and access codes.


    Insects: Comparing and Contrasting Characteristics of two of your own chosen insects.

    As per discussions in Science today, please select two common New Zealand insects and undertake your own observations of their features and characteristics.

    Set up your personal work in the same manner we undertook the Grasshopper and Praying Mantis comparision.  Print off two pictures to represent your insects and then complete your chart.  If you need me to print off your colour pictures, I am happy to do this for you.

    Image result for cockroachImage result for dragonfly

    This needs to be completed by the end of this week boys please as we begin to undertake Magnification and Metamorphosis.  

    Social Science: Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a decent paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words.
    Consider ending your paragraph with a sentence or wondering...due Friday
    Korowai Feather - please complete, colour and cut out. Remember to extend your initial idea to provide a little extra information around your chosen idea of what makes NZ unique.  eg If your initial idea was - 'NZ has a low population for the amount of land we have'. You could extend this idea by adding in what our population density is per square kilometre or compare us to another country...or both!
    Make sure your title page is completed, including a frame and that your map of New Zealand's key geographical features is also complete.
    Journal Reading


    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:
     S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2
    Group One:   S/Jnl, Level 3 and level 4 Journals

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, Journals x 2

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 3 Journals x2

    Prep: Week 5, Term 1
    Literacy and Maths
    Creative and Critical Thinking

    10 Words to practise for the week for spelling test on Friday. Please ensure you practise these words every night to ensure we try to achieve a 100% strike rate on 
    Friday boys!!

    Chapter Book

    Please ensure you read your personal Chapter Book of choice for recreational reading and personal enjoyment when you have completed the weekly required Journal reading.

    Also ensure that you are reading your articles or non fiction, fiction stories in your school journal.  Thanks team!


    Boys you should be on Maths Whizz for @ least 10/15 minutes per night and focussing upon the specific area of learning your teaching has requested in line with your classroom learning and/or practising your number knowledge skills.
    You have all been provided with your username and access codes.


    Please ensure your 5 star Title page is completed.


    Find a picture similar to the picture below of a Grasshopper and a Praying Mantis to compare and contrast their body features.  Do they come from a similar species of anthropod?

    Image result for grasshopperImage result for praying mantis

    Social Science: Current Events Quiz - research to complete the quiz. Choose one of the questions or images to write a decent paragraph about. Research to find out more information but remember to rewrite what you have written into your own words.
    Consider ending your paragraph with a sentence or wondering...due Friday
    Korowai Feather - please complete, colour and cut out. Remember to extend your initial idea to provide a little extra information around your chosen idea of what makes NZ unique.  eg If your initial idea was - 'NZ has a low population for the amount of land we have'. You could extend this idea by adding in what our population density is per square kilometre or compare us to another country...or both!
    Make sure your title page is completed, including a frame and that your map of New Zealand's key geographical features is also complete.
    Journal Reading


    Group One:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, No

    Extn:  Connected

    Group Two:   S/Jnl, Pt 3, 

    Group Three: S/Jnl, Pt 2,

    Group One: 

    Group Two: 

    Group Three:

    Group One: 

    Group Two: 

    Group Three: