Welcome to the Homework Blog. 

All of the set homework will be posted onto this page during the Term.
The boys have had a wonderful holiday and are now focused on their schooling. this term will see the boys starting to realise that their time at Hereworth is coming to an end. We will ensure they finish on a positive note and one in which you can be proud of.

The following is expected every week of Term 1:
  1. Reading Log - At least 15 minutes of reading each week night (Mon - Thurs) One of these is to be reading out loud to an adult. Each boy has a Reading Log to fill out and be signed by a parent.
  2. Maths Whizz or IXL Maths - 15 minutes per week night (minimum 60 mins a week)
  3. Spelling Words - definitions and sentences as well as learning the group words. All boys receive a sheet with the weekly group words as well as instructions.
  4. Complete the weekly quiz
All specialist subject teachers will notify the boys of their homework when required.


Title page
MRS NERG - Three native species of NZ. Prove that they meet all the aspects of MRS NERG and how they do this.

Social Science    (Mr Scott)

S.S.- No more quizzes until next term. This is to allow boys time to complete work on Events/People of NZ. The boys will get class time for this. Many boys have got a fair bit to complete. I will be checking regularly between now and the end of the term. Me being able to read what is written and make an understanding of it will be a requirement. 

S.S. (NZ) (Due in week 10 with title pages complete)


Write a half page on 5 people and 5 events who/what have helped shape NZ as a country. 
These need to be a page on each accompanied by a picture or drawing. A border on each page as well to frame the work
This has been discussed in class and the boys will have class time as well.
The neater the work the more merit points.

Writing due by Monday 25 February.
Simple, Compound and Complex sentences
Some of the work I am receiving is not neat enough. Please ensure that you take pride in your work.


Figurative Language poster 
Day at the Beach poem.

Week 8 writing

Complete your own 6 sentence story in your writing books by next week Tuesday.

Term 2 Week 1 Homework Checklist: Writing

1. Simple, Compound and Complex sentences
2. Day at the Beach: Find 2 Metaphors, Similes, Alliterations, Personifications and Onomatopoeia.
3. Idioms and Hyperboles: Google classroom instructions
4. Figurative Language poster
5. Roar Poetry completed
6.Figurative Language pictures: Google classroom instructions
7. I am nervous worksheet; paragraphs
8.Once upon a time sentences
9. Narrative story