Week 9 Term 1

Just about there and tiredness is creeping in. Does make you wonder how we all coped with a 13/14 week term back in the good old days. 
Winter sport starts next Wednesday so the boys will need all the correct gear for whatever sport they are involved in. Hockey: Stick, mouth guard, shin pads. Football: Shin pads. Rugby: Mouth guard.
All on for the rest of the term.


S.S. Extension of work due. The boys work is now due by the end of week 3 Term 2. Having viewed many of the boys' books in the last week I have asked them to work harder on presentation of work and proof reading of text recorded. There are also some extra sheets with Treaty of Waitangi work that needs to be completed. This is very basic but covers some important details.
Spelling list: Due Thursday 4 April
Reading: 15 minutes each night

Week 8 Term 1

WHAT A WEEK!!! The boys have been superb with how they have handled not only our in school sadness but also the national horror of Friday. A lot of talking in class on bot subjects with some very valuable and insightful feedback in our discussions. 
Follow up at home would be helpful as well, if you have the time, especially about the power of social media. The worry is how easy they, the boys, have access to what happens, not only on Friday but generally. Their young minds may not fully appreciate the full extent of what was being viewed but they may not know the implications for their own future. 
On a very positive note the boys are all working well and looking way ahead to the end of the term. With this in mind I am not doing the quizzes until next term as they have a bit of work which needs to be completed by week 10.


S.S.- No more quizzes until next term. This is to allow boys time to complete work on Events/People of NZ. The boys will get class time for this. Many boys have got a fair bit to complete. I will be checking regularly between now and the end of the term. Me being able to read what is written and make an understanding of it will be a requirement.

Spelling list due Thursday 28 March

Reading: 15 minutes every night. They may not say it but they loved being read to.

Week 7 Term 1

This week marks well over half way through the term. The boys are starting to get a bit tired but we have a way to go yet. A number of them are involved in "lots" of good Hereworth things but need to be mindful of keeping up with their classroom requirements first and foremost. Behaviour must also be on track as well. No issues at all but a reminder does go a long way.
I have decided, and let the boys know, we as a class are shifting our day for handing in the spelling lists. This will now be a Thursday morning as I have some time to get it marked more fully. I have been through all the boys' books and given them some pointers and warnings as to the standard of work required from here on in. I have not been as vigilant with getting the standard to right level but "all gloves are off" from next Thursday. This weeks list will be the first one marked next week.


Spelling list due Thursday 21 March

Weekly quiz: Due Monday 18 March
NZ Quiz: Due Monday 18 March

Reading: 15 minutes every night. They may not say it but they loved being read to.

Week 6 Term 1

Swimming sports last week were a great success. Well done Elder. Pains me to say it but brilliant effort all round. Great to see so many of our not so confident swimmers compete so well.

The boys are working well but need to sort themselves so as not to rush work. The spelling lists go off line on a Friday afternoon/Saturday morning. I have encouraged the boys to get this done as much as possible during the week during homework time.

Great bunch of boys


Spelling list: Due Monday

No quizzes this week.  Really want the boys to get going with what is listed below.

S.S. (NZ) (Due in week 10 with title pages complete)


Write a half page on 5 people and 5 events who/what have helped shape NZ as a country. (10 pages altogether)
These need to be a page on each accompanied by a picture or drawing. A border on each page as well to frame the work
This has been discussed in class and the boys will have class time as well.
The neater the work the more merit points

Week 5 Term 1

Swimming sports Friday.

Prep this week:

NZ quiz: 20 questions. NZ Geography Due Monday 4 March
Weekly Quiz: Current Events. Due Monday 4 March
Spelling Lists. Due Monday 4 March.

Reading: 15 minutes a night. Can be aloud with you if okay. Great way for boys to get to enjoy reading.

Week 4 Term 1

Well, into week 4 already and and all systems are go. Classroom programmes are moving along and the boys are getting to grips with the expectations of each teacher especially in Year 8.
Sport started on Saturday and by all accounts the boys had a great time. It is always good to hear back from the boys how their team/games got on. Trevor, Mr Barman, spoke to the boys on Friday about on field and off field expectations and from what I have heard these were by in large excellent. It is interesting to note, from chatting to other staff and from my own experience at Softball on Saturday, the boys really do need to work on knowing how to "play" the game. By this I mean being aware of where the game is sitting and how they can help their team do well. They need to watch and take an interest in the "whole" game not just when they are in it. A work on for a few I think especially in the top teams. As a coach, teacher, I find this an integral part of my role because the two, game and classroom, go hand in hand. 
This week is a pretty clear calendar with Wellesley not coming at this stage.

Prep this week:
NZ Quiz: Mixed facts (not all collected this last week) and Early NZ
Current Events: Quiz 
Both these quizzes are due next Monday morning 
Spelling list: Due by Monday next week. These were not well done last week and I have given the boys a chance to fix them up if need be. They know who needs to do what. Gill Unger sends these to the boys, as do I. I will print a copy and post it on my board for those who leave it until the last minute. I spoke to the boys about getting their spelling done throughout the week and not leaving it until Sunday night. No excuses this week.
Reading: 15 minutes a night

Complete simple, compound and complex sentences for tomorrow.

Term 2 Week 1 Homework Checklist: Writing

1. Simple, Compound and Complex sentences
2. Day at the Beach: Find 2 Metaphors, Similes, Alliterations, Personifications and Onomatopoeia.
3. Idioms and Hyperboles: Google classroom instructions
4. Figurative Language poster
5. Roar Poetry completed
6.Figurative Language pictures: Google classroom instructions
7. I am nervous worksheet; paragraphs
8.Once upon a time sentences
9. Narrative story